MCQs For All: population, sampling, tool of research, data collection, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 3 Procedure of the Study

population, sampling, tool of research, data collection, time management in technical training center’s Chapter 3 Procedure of the Study

Chapter 3

Procedure of the Study

This chapter deals with the method and procedure of the study. This section includes design/nature of the study, administration of questionnaire, data collection and data analysis.


All the teachers and students of the technical training centers of Lahore were taken as the population of the study.


A sample of five teachers and seven students was selected from each technical training center. The sampling was done using convenient sampling technique.

Tool of Research

A 5-point attitude scale like that of Liker type was developed consisting of 50 items. The scale was comprised of both negative and positive statements. For each statement to respond, five options were given as follow:

1.      Strongly Agreed

2.      Agreed

3.      No Opinion

4.      Disagreed

5.      Strongly Disagreed

For each statement teacher and student has to respond one option among the given five, according to their own choice and will independently.

Data Collection

The researcher visited all the technical training centers personally and administrated the questionnaires which were distributed among the teachers and students of the technical training centre of Lahore selected as a sample. Some of the teacher/student returns the questionnaire at the same time but other returned the questionnaire on the second visit.

Data Analysis

The received questionnaire was arranged. Each statement in the questionnaire was scored depending upon its nature (Positive/Negative) according to the responses given by the respondents. Scoring of the positive and negative statement was as under:
Positive Statement
Negative Statement
Strongly Disagreed
No Opinion
Strongly Agreed

 Responses to all questions were recorded. This data was entered in the SPSS data sheet. Then analysis was performed using SPSS software. The results were tabulated and manipulated.

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