MCQs For All: No longer have access to these button not working | Recover Hacked Facebook Account without email and password 2023 | Recover Facebook Hacked Account 2023

No longer have access to these button not working | Recover Hacked Facebook Account without email and password 2023 | Recover Facebook Hacked Account 2023

No longer have access to these Facebook not working how to fix?

During recovery process if Facebook didn't shows "No longer have access to these" or its not working You have to take following steps.

(i) Make sure your recovery process must be on your Own Mobile or Own Laptop.

(ii) Please use your regular use Wi-Fi or Mobile network during recovery process.

(iii) Make sure use the same web browser you are using regularly. Don't change browser Facebook may not show "No longer have access to these"option.

(iv) Don't give your log in details to your friends to try to tog in from different locations.

(v) Don't clear your browser Cashes.

Try to recover your account with your Regular mobile, Laptop, Wi-Fi, Browser. Most probably you will found the option "No longer have access to these" For more details watch the below Video.


If your problem is still not fixed, leave a comment or contact us. we will response you as earlier as possible. 

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