MCQs For All: TIME MANAGEMENT BENEFITS TO THE ORGANIZATION, time management in technical training centre’s Chapter 2 Review of the Related Literature Page 7

TIME MANAGEMENT BENEFITS TO THE ORGANIZATION, time management in technical training centre’s Chapter 2 Review of the Related Literature Page 7


  • Increased individual productivity, accountability and commitment
  • Much more timely individual and team project completion
  • More effective communication throughout the organization
  • Less negative organizational stress 

  • More control and value from your time and your life
  • Increased recognition and reward from higher personal productivity levels
  • Improved relationships both on and off the job
Need to be satisfied in our order for the period to be classified as working time.  For example, the period during which staff are on- call, but otherwise free to pursue their own activities would not be measured as working time, only the hours during which a worker is actively engaged in university business would count towards the 48 hour working week maximum (averaged over 17 weeds) which is the fundamental restriction on working hours laid down by the regulations.
Study time: Study of each of the steps in an operational or production procedure and the time consumed by them, for the purposed of devising method of increasing efficiency or productivity of  workers .In full time and motion study.
Creative time: Being self-employed means you have control over your own creative time.  If you job| business require any kind of creativity.  It is importance that you spend some time getting acquainted with your creative voice.
Alert time: There are times during the day when my brain and body just shut down.  I suppose a bio-rhythm reading would help me understand what’s going on there,  but I don’t need to see it charted to know that there are times during the day when I am more alert and awake,  and time when I am just a waste of space.
Interacting time: My work require long period of uninterrupted concentration so I try to do what work during my alert time.  I try to set aside phone calls and interacting with clients for some other time of course, that’s not always possible and some jobs require constant interaction with others.  But if you can, you should set aside time just for phone calls etc, and when you need quiet uninterrupted time give yourself permission to turn the phone ringer off.
Free time: The problem that come up most often when transitioning to self-employ meant is spending too much time in free time, free time doesn’t have to be either planed activity or huge blocks of time in free time we watching T.V.  Play games
Sleep time: Another issue that comes up when you work at home is when you sleep.  One of the big advantages to working for me was that I could let my body revert to its natural rhythms.  For me this turned out to be important for my health.  Anyone sleep is very important of or human body.
Wait time: Student need time to think; time to ponder the responses they will give to your question.  However research 9 row 1974, 1974b, 1978) has shown that teaches on the average wait only about one second for the student to answer questions.  Further research by row revealed that when teachers learn to increase the time he waits.  There are two typed of wait time.  Wait time I  is the initial time provided to a question wait time 2 is the total time a teacher wait for all students to respond to the same question or for student to respond to each other responses to a question.
Halting time: Halting time is similar to wait time in that the teacher pauses during what he or she saying to give students time to think.  Halting time is particularly use-full when you are presenting compiled material or directions.
Listening time: Learn to listen to your student listen to what have to say, and when they have finished and only them formulate further question or comment on their answers.
Silent time: Develop the use of silent time.  Silent time is the talked after a student has finished spieling before you reply or continue.  Silent time, like time after asking a question, should be increased to between three and five second to prevent you from cutting off student and at allows time for other students to interject their comments.
Daily routine: School going under goes some organized daily activities.  All cadets are require to fulfill the requirements of academic, co-curricular and extra-activities it is expected that they shall up high standards to the best of their abilities and grate successfully with flying colors.  TV routine of cadets is as follow.
Simple and Effective Principles of Time Management
In today's business environment, productivity is a key to success. Using creative principles of time management at work will not only help you do your job more effectively, but practicing these time management principles will also help lower your stress levels.
While putting together a time management plan will take time to construct, your time management plan will pay off in dividends later. Keep in mind that a good time management plan will offer you more flexibility in the long run. Just because you have a plan in writing does not mean that you can't adjust it when the unexpected occurs.
Prioritize Your Work: Make a list of your projects and prioritize their importance. Then take your most important project and break it down into tasks. Look at the tasks that you have developed. Decide which tasks can be delegated to others. Even if you think that you will be able to complete all of the tasks better than anyone else on your team, it is important to try to delegate. This will not only provide you with more free time, but it will help to develop the skills of those who report to you.
It is essential to review your tasks and due dates on a periodic basis. You may have to adjust priorities and due dates as you are assigned new projects and old projects are completed.

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