MCQs For All: Uninstall programs Windows 10 and Windows 11 | Uninstall a program Not in Control Panel

Uninstall programs Windows 10 and Windows 11 | Uninstall a program Not in Control Panel

To uninstall a program from Windows 11, follow these steps:

1. Open the Start Menu: Click on the Windows icon located at the bottom left corner of the taskbar, or press the "Windows" key on your keyboard.

2. Access the Settings: Click on the gear-shaped Settings icon in the left panel of the Start Menu. This will open the Windows Settings app.

3. Go to "Apps": Within the Windows Settings app, click on the "Apps" category. This will take you to the Apps & features section, where you can manage installed applications.

4. Find the Program: Scroll through the list of installed apps to locate the program you want to uninstall. You can also use the search bar at the top to quickly find the program by typing its name.

5. Uninstall the Program: Once you've found the program you want to remove, click on it to reveal the "Uninstall" button. Click on "Uninstall" to begin the un-install process.

6. Confirm the UN-installation: A confirmation prompt will appear, asking if you want to uninstall the program. Click "Uninstall" again to confirm. Some programs might show additional prompts during the uninstall process; follow any on-screen instructions if needed.

7. Wait for Completion: Windows will now remove the program from your system. The time it takes to uninstall the program may vary depending on its size.

8. Restart (if required): Some programs might ask you to restart your computer to complete the uninstall. If prompted, go ahead and restart your PC.

The program should now be successfully uninstalled from your Windows 11 system.

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